Project development for automation technology in the home office

As an automation technology company, you provide your customers with customised solutions that you also have to test on the corresponding machines. This is difficult when working from home, as you can't simply move a machine weighing several tonnes to your home. Even if this could work, your colleagues working on the project would still not have access to the server that is supposed to control the machine.

As a solution, we can offer you TinyPilot Voyager. This allows you to make the necessary changes directly on the server from your home office at any time. To do this, place the TinyPilot in your VPN and additionally secure it with password protection. From then on, everyone involved in the project can view the software directly on the machine. This allows you to get your customers on board as early as the programming stage, or use colleagues from other countries to debug your application. It has never been easier to carry out automation development for customers.

Each device can be administered remotely from the browser as long as it has an HDMI, VGA or DVI output and a USB input for keyboard and mouse.

You can find everything you need to know here.

The KVM over IP solution with TinyPilot enables you to run your software development for automation from anywhere in the world, as long as you can operate a browser at your location. TinyPilot works with all current browsers and operating systems. Even remote access to a server via Android and Apple mobile phones is possible.